

Dear Members and Followers,

Elaine Witton has sent this information for our interest - looks like a visit to me!

An Exhibition of 20 & 3D Artworks
Using Handmade Paper by members of Primrose Paper Arts

Palm House TheRoyal Botanic Gardens Sydney
2llhAugust to 1st September2013
Open Daily 1Dam- 4pm

Opening: 2:00pm,Sun August25th, 

 by LizWilliamson,Master Weaver, Associate Professor,  
Head of School of Design Studies, COFA,UNSW

 PRIMROSE                PAPER ARTS

PrimrosePark Art & Craft Centre,a North Sydney Council com1111nity centre

Good Things Come from Small Ideas

Dear Members and Followers,

The Miniatures Workshop on Saturday 10th August with Elaine Witton produced big results from little things. See below.

The Latest News - Is Big!

Dear Members and Followers,

You just don't want to miss this!

P.S. The heading is by Valerie and the artwork by Gloria.